Friday, December 11, 2009

About Last Night

Hello again, lets see ... yesterday started off with a bang! I got a call from my photo buddy, Bill. He told me to get my ass down to the Pier cause it was head high and firing. Left the house around 8am it was 37degrees outside, freaking way to cold. Drove to the pier, and like he said, it was firing. Paddled out for about 2hrs and got some insane waves (pics coming soon). Got out, headed home, and the rest of the day was pretty boring. So lets fast forward to the night time. : )

I got a call from my buddy Steve that he was doing a Pizza tasting competition at the chamber of commerce and needed some help so me and Steph showed up to help and lets just say I haven't seen so many GOODWILL suits in one place all the guys suits were so mixed matched and the women all wore the same black pants it was great. The pizza was good though. Are table was right by the door way and people would stand there and fart .I don’t know how many times I got cropped dusted. So any who they announced the winner was, which wasn’t us, it went to this other pizza place. The guy who owned it was a total kiss ass, but I guess that’s what it takes sometimes so sad.

Now onto rest of the night, one of Stephanie's friends was having her 30th birthday, talk about old haha. We arrived at Joes Crab Shack at 730 and had some food and a few drinks I was the only sissy drinking water, not a big fan of the alcohol. Finished there and moved on to good old Jolly Rogers a fine karaoke establishment or not. Everyone showed up about 1130 and started drinking and taking shots and getting crazy I was a little bit of a party pooper mainly cause they weren’t my friends and was a little out of place till one of my peeps Steve, from Santino's Pizza, showed up with his party animal wife, Amy. She fit right in with the crowd. It was fun, though the more drinks the crazier it got people were singing and dancing but the best was when they called the b-day girl and her boyfriend up on stage. They made her take a shot from his happy place! Watching everyone dance after a whole lot of shots, falling on the ground, and just having a good time. But you could tell the locals were getting a little annoyed, because are group was a lot funnier than them. The Karaoke was another story; I haven’t heard so much bad singing since American Idol. Finally 1am rolled around and we all went are separate ways.

We got home and had another little private party and...

 went to bed.

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